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Aboriginal Youth Identity Series: Health and Wellness Elementary  Seniors Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness

    Lesson One: Inuit High Kick Game

Teacher Information:

The following game is one that was played by the Inuit Peoples of Canada. The rules are as follows:
Some jumping games are combined with a kick. In the Holman Island game of Aratsiaq, a target (such as a piece of bone or fur) is suspended at a given height. According to the Northern Games Association, a player may not be more than ten feet from the target when the jump starts. From a standing start with both feet together on the ground, a player jumps up to kick the hanging target with one foot. The target must be clearly struck by one foot and the landing must be on the same foot that kicked the target. Balance must be maintained on landing. Games are played in rounds. The order of play is determined by a draw, which is maintained throughout a game. The target is raised a few inches in each round, and players are eliminated when they fail to kick the target. Any player may "decline" to jump when the target is raised. In Akratcheak, a player jumps and attempts to kick the target with both feet and land back on the ground in a standing position.

In order to play this game in your physical education class you will need a hanging target that can be adjusted and a number of mats (to protect student incase they fall).

Main Lesson:

This game can be easily modified for the physical education classroom (gym).  The hanging target can be adjusted to differing heights dependant on the various heights of the students.  However to ensure fairness make sure that after each successful kick the target is raised the same amount for each student.

Make sure to have a “draw” to determine the order for the game.  In order to declare a “winner” you could monitor how many times a persons target is raised. Continue the game until no student is able to successfully jump kick their target.

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